
Sunday, October 9, 2011

Chocolate Chip Banana Bread Beer

This morning we were headed down to Champaign after a fun weekend in Chicago and as we hit I-57, I noticed a billboard for Budweiser proclaiming it, "The King of Beers," it's moniker for as long as I can remember, but in my mind, the craft beer industry is quickly coming up the ranks to dethrone Bud.

My favorite style of beer is porters/stouts, the darker & creamier the better!  One of my favorites is Young's Double Chocolate Stout, preferably from the tap rather than the bottle.  Another favorite, unrelated to beer, is Momoo's banana bread a la Elizabeth Meree, so when I was picking up beer, I noticed a bottle of "banana bread beer," and thought it very novel, but not trusting that the banana bread beer would taste natural, as opposed to artificial, I picked up a bottle of Young's Double Chocolate Stout and thought the two would make an interesting combination.

Elizabeth played mixologist and started by pouring 8 ounces Banana Bread beer into a pint glass and finished the drink by slowing pour 8 ounces of Young's Double Chocolate Stout down the side of the glass (since we didn't have a beer tapper with an attached spoon head, the proper way to make a Black & Tan, we had to get creative).  The ensuing concoction was actually pretty good, and tasted eerily similar to banana bread with chocolate chips.  I had Elizabeth make mine with a tad more chocolate than banana.

Served in a Chief Illiniwek glass, we had a taste of Home 1,000 miles away in Houston!


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